I am off to The States in two months from today, cycling for a month across 2200 kilometres around the state of Oregon. Couple of short forays into Washington state and Idaho as well. It is an organised ride - North West Loop ride - for a group of around 30. All women, which will be a first for me and not camping, another first on a multi day ride.
Most of the riders appear to be from the US with one other from Australia. Lesley hails from Darwin and we have been in touch with each other. Lesley and several other riders have done other tours with the same organiser which I take as a good sign.
So just quietly I am going to record some thoughts, experiences, etc, etc as I prepare and then enjoy the trip.
First and foremost, I am going to do some training, especially on hills. That is what I have been telling myself for the last couple of months and I swear I am going to really do it soon.
I have been trying to do a bit more riding, and to include a longish ride at least once a week but I have also taken a "whole body" approach and done some work other than cycling. Pilates and water aerobics once a week each with some floor work in between at home. The occasional trip to the gym for a half hour on the cross trainer and some walking as well. i have sought expert advice and we all agree that this a sound approach. Hope so.
I am not worried about the distances, but the long, long, steady climbs up a couple of mountain ranges make me think I should do something. I will - very soon.