I ride through Albert Park on my way to work a lot of the time, and I am always hoping that I will be in the right place at the right time and capture a shot of swans crossing the road with a line of cars behind them. So far, nothing. This pic is the closest I have come, no cars in sight.
However, I did see a swan hit by a car the other day - it was definitely not the driver's fault. There were a couple of swans obviously heading for the road so we all slowed down. I leapt off my bicycle and started scrabbling about for my camera (the theory is that if it is in my bag it is easily accessed) when I glanced up to see a dog suddenly run at the swans who took off slowly and one of them flew straight into the corner of the car. It fell to the roadway, got up seconds later, took off again and flew towards its mate and the lake.
The driver was stunned. The dog took off after the swan and was lucky not to be hit by another car. We all looked around and then went on our way as there was nothing to be done. I think we all hoped that the swan would be all right. I am now on the lookout for cygnets.
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