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Saturday, August 23, 2014

NW Loop Day 20 - restful

Rest day again, in Sisters this time - named for The Sisters mountains overlooking the town. 
Sisters is definitely a tourist town with plenty of shops to trawl through. Before we can start that though we have to go to The Sisters Coffee Company where they do their own roasting. Delicious coffee, two days in a row now.  That's more than I expected if I had listened to some people. 

  We are in the middle of a seismic area and there is talk that one of The Sisters could blow at any time. Not on our watch I hope.
Breakfast in town, wandering around not quite aimlessly through clothing, gift and thrift shops until it's time for lunch at the local wine bar.
Worn out by all this activity we repair to the motel for a restful afternoon by the pool until it's time for pre-dinner drinks and off to a restaurant downtown for a special meal.
Eight of us elected to go to the winery degustation dinner at 'Jen's Garden', wines from a particular winery matched with several courses of delicious food.  We agreed that those who had chosen not to join us had made a serious mistake

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