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Thursday, December 3, 2015


Time to catch up with the blog, time to catch up with the drying, time to catch up with the charging .. a welcome day.  A day off the bike, and no matter how much you enjoy riding after a couple of days in the wind it is good to get off and give your body a rest.

So glad I brought this along.  Very handy.
No more pictures today, taking a day off from that too.  Going to the library to use the computers and read emails, newspapers.

It is a beautiful day in Bendigo and I find a new place for morning tea, The Good Loaf sourdough bakery. Good fruit bun and coffee.  Next stop a wander through town a bit checking nothing much out before heading up to the gallery to meet up with Lesley, Lauren and Ian for lunch in the gallery cafe.  The waitress placed us at our request near a power outlet so we took advantage of that and charged up a few phones.  Never miss that sort of opportunity.

Back to the computer, because I can.  And shortly I shall head back to camp for a restful lie down before dinner.  Warm weather forecast from here on, so I am grateful that we have already done the longest day's ride.  

(Yawning) 1530


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