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Thursday, September 22, 2016


Another delicious full breakfast, a quick detour via the local bike shop and avoiding the rain we move out of Confluence feeling rested after the short run yesterday. You've got to admit there's nothing like a rest day.
Today is all climbing, but the gradients are so low to accomodate steam trains in the past that they are very manageable. The downside, if there can be a downside to an uphill climb, is that it is yet another day of steady pedalling.  That is nicely offset by our surroundings and coming across this ..

It may sound tedious to be riding through state forest day after day but NO, not at all.  The trees change, the light changes, the river changes, the towns vary and it is always interesting. Cyclists greet each other and when we stop and meet people we all compare notes.. Where are you going? Where have you ridden from? Where's home and much more. It's great.
Our destination today is Meyersdale and  our accommodation is at the Morguen Toole Company. Now you might think it was owned by someone named Morguen but you'd be wrong. It was actually a combined Morgue and Toole shop in a former life.  The building, which is maze like, is decorated with artefacts all sourced from the building itself so that coffin isn't just for Halloween.
It is a very comfortable hostel type place, with a bar and dining room.  No hauntings that we noticed. 

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