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Friday, May 26, 2017

Monday, museum day

I had not yet been to St Pancras station so did a recce, picked up all the tickets for the next week and was glad to have done so. It is wonderfully spacious and interesting and even though I had now seen it I determined to get there in plenty of time for my train the next day. 
I planned to look at a few smaller museums, and it is a good thing I am coming back to London in a week as all three are closed on Monday. Fortunately there is plenty else to do, so I head off to the British Library close by to read the Magna Carta and then to he British Museum following cycleway signs and just having a good time looking round as I go.  There is always something to see. Hours later I leave the Museum, having seen as much as I could, especially in the Egyptian section with the mummies, sarcophagi, etc. It was a marvel to me as there were so many and so much else to see,  including the Rosetta Stone.  These after things we learnt about in school,  but there's not a lot of diverse antiquity from other countries in Australia. .everyone else got there first perhaps.
Later I rode back towards the station to travel along the canal towpath for a while.  This was a little dodgy in parts as the path narrowed under bridges and it was not always easy to see what our who was coming towards you.  Of course riding there at peak hour as people headed home was not the best idea but delaying my ride with a pint in a canalside bar improved everything.
Home to pack,  ready for the rural excursion catching up with friends.

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