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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Touring by bike, heading north

The Bicycle SA annual (onroad) tour headed out into the Flinders Ranges this year, a loop ride out of Port Augusta. Leisurely start to the day on day 1, with several people arriving from Adelaide by bus in time for picnic lunch and then heading up the hill. Great time to catch up with everyone from previous rides and meet a few new people. It is mandatory in my experience that the ride starts with a hill. You would expect this riding out of Adelaide as it is surrounded by hills and up seems the only way out, but I thought it was lat around Port Augusta - not so. We follow the lovely Pichi Richi valley, taken also by the stem train to Quorn, our first stop. Then over the Willochra Plain to Hawker and a night in the caravan park that remains a stranger to grassy sites. No grass here, only small pebbles and softer ground than you might usually find thanks to recent rains. So putting up the tent in the drizzle with the pegs coming out as fast as I can bang them in is just a little bit of a drag. Common sense prevails, change the angle, start again and get on with it. Hawker to Parachilna – only thing to say is that is is 90Km of slow steady uphill road. The rain cleared at lunchtime so we dried out riding along (we being those of us slow enough to take quite a while to get there). The Ranges are amazing to see, green and damp after the drought of recent years. I am sorry not to be travelling off road to see it all a bit closer, but glad to be on bitumen and not getting bogged in the wet spots. Parachilna is a dot on the map – a pub and not much else. We camp nearby with our shower truck parked in the middle of the road out the front. Delicious dinner at the local pub, which is a bit of a foodies haunt regardless of being in the middle of nowhere, accompanied by a wild thunderstorm which does nothing to dampen our spirits. The cycle tour fraternity are a hardy lot. Waking to a drier day we head out to cross the ranges via the Parachilna Gorge, confident about the roads and the creek crossings after a final report from the good Russell, who has completed a final recce.. Well it sounded good in theory. First creek crossing, make it almost to the other side aware of the creek bed and rocks shifting under my wheels. Almost, but not quite – I can report that the creek was a little faster and stronger flowing than I thought and the water very cold. As soon as I go in I leap out exclaiming at the temperature, pick up the bike, get a jacket on to avoid freezing as I dry on the road and off we go again with the friendly laughter and banter to encourage me. I walked the rest my confidence but not enthusiasm having dimmed a little. I am yet to see the pictures, but I believe they exist. The gorge is an adventurous ride that I would not have missed for all the tea in China. Thank you for the fluffy duck I have been awarded (suitably named Duncan). Duncan now resides firmly fixed to the handlebars and enjoys his travels immensely.

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