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Thursday, April 23, 2015


You would have liked today, I think.  It was a beautiful sunny day and we did a lot of tram riding.

Before we got on our first tram we went across to the railway station for breakfast.  I somehow managed to order 2 cups of tea, so I drank both with my food. There were lots of people everywhere going in all directions.

We went in the wrong direction on the first tram but liked looking around so we just didn't care. After a while we got off and took another tram to a museum on an island in the middle of the river. There was tons of things there for us, and for children to turn on, light up. I don't know that you would have liked to stay as long as we did.

Our tram took so long coming to go back to town that we took two and went a long way round to get there. We went into the Frauenkirche Dom, the cathedral church, and liked the high high roof and the beautiful stained glass window colours. We had to be very quiet in there. I could hear a choir singing but couldn't see them.

We saw a beer garden restaurant from the tram that we wanted to go to for dinner. We got on the right tram and looked for it again. We hadn't realised how close it was .. 2 tram stops! I had to wake Grandpa up to go to dinner and in the morning he told me he wasn't really awake when we went. When we came home he took his shoes off and found he had put them on the wrong feet! We laughed very hard about that.

Hundreds of people were there. They had chips too, but we had sausages and meatballs and kraut.  See the photo for the pretzel. We stayed to watch soccer on the TV and the crowd cheered all 5 goals for the local team. We walked home afierce that and went to bed.  Love from Granny and Grandpa sends his love too

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