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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Long and straight

Today is a day of long straight flat roads through beautiful country and though it is a second day of headwinds it is not too hot, but warming up a bit. That is the Australian view, some others find it hotter.

Have I mentioned already that i am not a fan of flat riding? I like a bit of downhill , even if it means a bit of uphill, to give me a break from sitting in the saddle and pedalling. The countryside is beautiful  and the villages picturesque, though many surprisingly quiet, utterly devoid of people. No, it is not between noon and 2 so they are not all behind doors. The schools are full so the parents must be somewhere.

I do enjoy the boulangeries, patisseries and cafe bars where we are invited to bring our own food to their tables as they don't sell food. Good plan. Our planned picnic lunches have not yet eventuated due to the trouble with the van. Tom has delivered all our luggage to the night's destination then headed back to Saint Malo on the promise that the real van will be ready at the end of the day.

Almost at the end of our cycling day we come across the most wonderful chateau, the Chateau Plessis-mace.  The forecourt is being prepared for the Festival d'Anjou and the erected stage, seating and marquees mar the view but as it is closed to the public and we are allowed in we cannot complain really. It is a lovely almost end to the day. We rode the last few kilometres to the hotel,  grateful that we are on the ground floor and don't have to lug our bags upstairs - now that's a fitting end to a long ride.

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