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Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Rolling hills, heading for the Yorkshire dales today.  The weather stays mild, the hills are not so steep,  but there are as usual a couple of steep sections along the way. Would you believe I caught site of another couple of boxing hares, this time one ran the other off very smartly.

We crossed a toll bridge today. One collection booth were drivers pay 25p for a return ticket or less for a single ticket. No etag in sight

The toll bridge

Hills in the distance 

We rode today through Leigh, more traffic lights than we like on a ride like this. Getting out of town is what it's all about. It means of course that all the places other tourists see are skirted by us .. today it was Manchester and Liverpool.  To go and see what every town has to offer would mean a trip of a couple of months long, which would be OK if one had time for that.

Coming to a town near you
Last place we rode through is Ribchester,  with a music festival in the near future.  The town was full of guys representing musical acts of one sort or another. Good fun.

Anyone interested in the distances we ride and the hills can see that through the Strava links on the side of the blog page, today we rode up 1100 00 and covered 117.6 km.  Tomorrow is shorter thank goodness, but more climbing.  Always a trade off somewhere.

View like this a worthwhile trade off

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