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Monday, June 15, 2015


Dear Marlo,
Today was a very good day to be out on the bike, especially in the morning. We rode alongside a river and went up a few hills. Then we rode along some lanes with high hedges on both sides, so we couldn't see much through them. When we did it was lovely.

I saw this gypsy caravan in a front garden when I stopped to have a rest on a hill.

We rode through a very green forest and saw this squirrel eating right next to our morning tea stop.

Everywhere I ride I see farms and all sorts of houses. Some are enormous and some are very small. I liked this one with the pond in front of the house with a rowboat ready too.

When we were eating our lunch we saw some very old beehives, but no bees.  Then we had a look down the road and saw these cows with their long long horns that came round the front of their faces. I think they are very unusual.

When we got to the city we were staying in, Worcester, it started to rain and there was a lot of traffic so I didn't stop to see anything but I did see this very big chimney near a river.

I have saved the best til last.  We saw some hares, which are a bit like rabbits. There were two of them and they were boxing each other and chasing each other to see who was better than the other.  It was great fun to see them as it is very hard and doesn't happen often. I took some video of it and everyone was very excited to see them. I hope you like it.

If the video doesn’t play ask dad to show it to you from his email.

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