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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

NWLoop Day 11 - a mixture

Smoke everywhere today, and it seemed to get thicker as we headed to New Meadows. The rider is mercifully short today, 34m/54km. I say that as the smoke made it much less pleasant than it would have been otherwise.

There is a honeycomb pattern all over a lot of the hills around here. I presumed it must be some after effect of water runoff and erosion. Well it is erosion in a way, a very specific way.  The effect is the result of heavy sheep grazing in the past in the area. No sign of sheep nowadays.

Leaving Riggins between the high hills was a pretty good start as we were protected from the sun by them traveling alongside the Little Salmon River, which we crossed a few times during the morning.  Fortunately the road took us from the hills into timbered country so we were again somewhat protected, though not entirely. Shade makes a great difference on a long slow climb, as does listening to Willy Nelson.

A few miles outside our destination the countryside opened up and we rode past an expanse of wetlands which is a preservation project. Although we were now exposed to the sky we could almost smell the coffee at the edge of town ......  I was so focused apparently that I didn't see the three herons flying or the hawk on the fencepost. I did see the 45th parallel however.

Yesterday we had a problem with some footage shot during our white water rafting trip and I was riding along today thinking that if only Ronnie were here he'd fix it in seconds. Best editor. It was serendipitous that I thought of him as on arrival in town (and range of Wi-Fi) I heard that he had died. Ronnie was a funny man, outstanding at his craft, with pride in his work, stopping at nothing (not even a deadline) to give the best result he possibly could. Many television productions owe him a great debt. I'll quietly drink to Ronnie tonight.

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